In early 2024, church councils and official boards of congregations across Canada may begin to pass motions to participate in the 100th-anniversary celebrations of The United Church of Canada.

In late 2024 and early 2025, national staff personnel working with colleagues in each Region and Indigenous organizers will help congregations complete the formation of clusters for the services in June of 2025. In early 2025 The United Church of Canada Foundation will be mailing the bulletin templates for use or adaptation in the clustered services by all congregations.

Those not participating in the clustered services are welcome to use any or all of the resources, including copyrighted materials during the anniversary week or on Sundays before and after during that month.

For those who choose to use them, those bulletins will feature the widely endorsed but rarely used Song of Faith in anew practical format, more usable for responsive readings in worship, as encouraged by its original editor, Michael Bourgeois. It is not a formal statement of faith as such, but an expression of faith in celebratory language appropriate for these uplifting services by congregational clusters across Canada.